【ウェルビーイングの科学と政策】 Prof Lord Layard × Prof De Neve 対談
「ウェルビーイングの科学と政策」 Prof Lord Layard × Prof De Neve 対談
by Oxford Martin School
☑︎ 本対談の内容は、Oxford Martin Schoolが公開している動画を元に、ChatGPTおよびDeepLを併用して日本語訳を紹介しています。訳の正確性や完全性などを保証するものではありません。翻訳プロセスにおいて、意味の取り違えや誤解釈が生じる可能性があります。あらかじめ、ご了承ください。
この動画は、イギリス、オックスフォード大学にある研究機関、Oxford Martin School(オックスフォード・マーティン・スクール)の3人の教授の対談です。科学的な根拠に裏打ちされたお話しを通じ、とても哲学的で興味深い視点を提供しています。
Wellbeing Science and Policy
『ウェルビーイング: 科学と政策』
Richard Layard(リチャード・レイヤード卿教授)
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve(ジャン=エマニュエル・ド・ネーヴェ教授)
最近の共著『科学と政策に焦点を当てたウェルビーイング』という本の著者であるリチャード・レイヤード卿教授とジャン=エマニュエル・ド・ネーヴェ教授が、Oxford Martin Schoolのディレクターであるチャールズ・ゴドフレイ(Charles Godfray)教授と一緒に、ウェルビーイングの測定方法、その原因、および改善方法について議論します。
1-1. 対談の流れ(チャールズ・ゴドフレイ教授から)


Wellbeing Science and Policy
『ウェルビーイング: 科学と政策』
Richard Layard(リチャード・レイヤード卿教授)
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve(ジャン=エマニュエル・ド・ネーヴェ教授)
1-2. 講演者紹介

リチャード・レイヤード卿は、ロンドン大学経済学部(London School of Economics: LSE)に所属する労働経済学者であり、1990年に共同創設された経済パフォーマンスセンターのプログラムディレクターを務めています。リチャードは数十年にわたり公共政策に影響力を持っており、特にブレア・ブラウン政権時代にその影響力を発揮しました。彼は英国アカデミーのメンバーとして1990年に男爵として叙せられるなど、数々の賞を受賞しています。

出典: Wikipedia / Lord Layard in 2006


出典: Wikipedia / Jan-Emmanuel_De_Neve
2. リチャード・レイヤード卿教授から


これは、一流のデザイナーであるデイビット・シュリグリー(David Shrigley)氏による18点の挿絵の一つです。それは、人々がより高いウェルビーイングを経験する、新しい世界の必要性を指摘しています。










3. ジャン=エマニュエル・ド・ネーヴェ教授から

ここで進展したのは、私たちの元学生であり、今では親愛なる同僚であるジョージ・ウォードです。彼は4年前に、アメリカ政治科学ジャーナル(『American Journal of Political Science』)でとても重要な論文を発表しました。そこで彼は、すべてのヨーロッパの選挙を追跡し現職の得票率の変動と、それを幸福の変動と関連付けリチャードが紹介したその測定値と比較しました。



さて、私が主に研究の焦点としてきたのは、仕事の世界です。リチャードは、すでに職場が世界の総合的な幸福の重要な要因であると強調しました。しかし、それは本当にどれほど重要なのでしょうか? ここでもウェルビーイングの科学では多くの進歩があり、労働経済学や仕事の重要性についてもっと広く考えるのに本当に役立つと思います。

昨年、経営科学誌に掲載された論文を共有できて非常に嬉しいです。この論文には約7、8年かかりました。これは私たちが個人としてどのように感じるかと、それが私たちのパフォーマンスにどのように変換されるか、という関連についての初めての因果関係のある証拠を生み出すものだ考えています。この場合、具体的にはBT(British Telecommunications)のコールセンターの従業員を1週間ごとに調査しました。

Indeedなどのガラス張りのプラットフォームのおかげで、これらの企業が定期的かつ比較可能な方法で提供する必要がある四半期データに実際にリンクしています。ここで見ているのは、上位10%、下位10%、およびその間のピンです。従業員自身から戻ってくる平均的な企業の幸福度は、粗利益性、 総資産利益率、または企業価値のいずれであっても、主要な財務パフォーマンス指標と非常に強く関連していることがわかります。

ここで見ているのは、メディアで注目されている分析です。非常に基本的なもので、ポートフォリオ分析と呼ばれています。株式に投資している方は、これに見慣れているかもしれません。次のように考えてみてください。たとえば、あなたが1,000ドルを投資するとしましょう。ほとんどの方はS&P 500などのインデックスファンドに投資するかもしれません。データがある数年間で、あなたの1,000ドルがどれくらいのリターンをもたらしたか、を見ると相当にプラスのものだったでしょう。これは多くの波乱があったにもかかわらず、です。



1. ウェルビーイングの政治的な重要性
2. 香港の事例とGDPの限界
3. 仕事と幸福の関連性
4. 仕事の感情とパフォーマンスの関連性
5. 組織のパフォーマンスと幸福の関連性
6. 株式市場と幸福の関連性
7. 本の推薦
4. Q & A

Q. 今年は選挙があります。オックスフォード大学のマーティン・スクールは無党派であり、スターマーかスナクかファラージかは、わかりません。しかし、選挙の数日後に電話がかかってきて、「お金がありません。比較的迅速に、人々の生活に影響を与えるために何ができるか?」と尋ねられた場合、それに対してどうすればいいかを教えてください。

リチャード: 実は最初に三つのことがあるのですが、まず第一にこの政策は、ウェルビーイングを志向したものであり、ホワイトホール全体で、何が政府の政策の優先順位として考えられるかを変えたいと思っています。

ジャン: 素晴らしい。科学がメンタルヘルス、職場や、リチャードが強調したすべての政策が非常に重要であることを示しています。私はリチャードに加えて、社会インフラで知られていることを言い換えます。実際にインフラを手に入れましょう。政治家は常に道路、HS2(高速鉄道計画)、電車などに投資したがりますが、それはもちろん必要なことですが、社会インフラを無視するか、あるいはその犠牲にするべきではありません。
Q. 選挙後、予算不足で電話がかかってきた場合、何ができるか?
1. ウェルビーイング志向の政策を優先し、政府の政策の優先順位を変える。
2. お金を節約する代わりに、費用以上に多くのお金を節約する政策を導入(例: NHSの会話療法)。
3. 依存症と人格障害の治療サービスを拡充し、その代わりになる節約を実現。学校卒業後の適切な職業訓練や見習いのシステムを確立。
Q2. あなたは自分を新しい功利主義者と表現しましたが、功利主義は過去の100年でさまざまな意見がありました。権利、能力などに関連する多くの学派があり、あなたの細かい分析の多くには賛成できるでしょうが、包括的な功利主義の枠組みが不利な立場の人々の権利に影響を与えることを心配している人たちもいます。あなたは本でこれについていくつか触れているのは知っていますが、新しい、現代の功利主義者とは何かについてもう少し詳しく説明していただけますか。

Q. けれども、より洗練されたアプローチを取る場合、異なるバックグラウンドやステータスを持つ人々の利益をどのように評価する関数を実際にどのように定義するのでしょうか?
Q1: 選挙後に生活に迅速な影響を与えるための提案
Q2: ウェルビーイングのアプローチに挑戦する功利主義者について
Q3: 異なるバックグラウンドやステータスの人々の利益を評価する関数の定義
Q. このアプローチには左派からの批判もありました。左派の人々はしばしば金融からウェルビーイングへの転換に喜んでいますが、一部の分析は所得分配の役割を過小評価している可能性を心配しています。あなたが提示したいくつかの要因が幸福と相関しているかもしれませんが、実際には所得と分配の基本的な影響を隠しているかもしれません。そして、私は、人々が言っているのを聞いたことがあります。ウェルビーイングの問題は、経済の中で根強い権力関係の一部を隠してしまう可能性がある、と。

ジャン:これは難しい問題ですね。 まず第一に、左派からの批判として出てくることに驚くでしょう。なぜなら、ウェルビーイングと主要な結果は実際にの限界効用が減少させることだからです。経済学の観点から見ると、進歩的な課税と再分配に関する中道左派の議題に非常に適しています。なぜなら、私たちが非常に明確に発見したのは、主観的な幸福に対しては、100万ドルを稼ぐ人が1万ドルを得るよりも、1万ドルを稼ぐ人が追加の1万ドルを得るよりも少ないということです。これはかなり確立されており、通常は使用されない累進課税の新しい視点や観点、正当化を提供してくれます。それで、それが議題の一部を助けると思います。
Q1: ウェルビーイングアプローチの左派からの批判
Q2: 所得とウェルビーイングの関係
Q3: アリストテレスの「徳のある生活」について
Q. 徳のある生活は、個人の幸福を増すだけでなく、より広範な社会の幸福に寄与する要素として考える余地があるのでしょうか?
ジャン:徳は主に、みんなに良い結果を生み出すために提唱されるべきです。そして、それについてコメントさせていただくと、私はここでリチャードが最後に言ったことが重要だと思います。徳はある程度、自己の報酬です。素晴らしい証拠があります。NHS 会話療法のボランティアと一緒に行われた研究では、もちろん彼らが助けている人々の助けになりますが、ある程度それは彼ら自身にも助けになります。
Q: 徳のある生活は社会全体の幸福に寄与するか?

チャールズ:時間経過に関するウェルビーイングについて質問してもよろしいでしょうか? あなたは今、ウェルビーイングが現在の投票の傾向にどのように影響するかについて驚くべき結果を示しました。そして、政治家は選挙の直前に予算を配る必要がさらに強まると考えられるでしょう。したがって、おそらく将来に対するそのような行動のトレードオフを考慮したウェルビーイングの尺度が必要です。

Q1: 将来の評価とディスカウント率に関する問題
・例: 3.5%の割引率では2100年の1ポンドは現在の6ペソの価値に相当
Q1. 今晩、美味しい赤ワインを開ける予定で、私のウェルビーイングが段階的に向上するでしょう。それは美徳的なことなのでしょうか?
Q2. そして真剣な質問は、本に取り上げられている批判であり、有名なオルダス・ハクスリーの「すばらしい新世界」の問題です。もし私たちが主観的なウェルビーイングを向上させる薬を作り出したとしたら、それはアリストテレスの徳のある人生に逆らうものであり、詐欺的な手段で達成されるものです。オルダス・ハクスリーの「ソーマ(すばらしい世界の中に出てくる錠剤)」の問題にどのように立ち向かいますか?
リチャード:まず最初に言いたいのは、もし誰かが何の副作用もなく、通常よりも良い気分になる薬を発明した場合、なぜ私たち全員がそれを摂取しないのでしょうか? 私たちは生活を楽しいものにするためにさまざまな方法で日常を工夫しています──異なる食べ物、薬を含めることに何が問題があるのでしょうか?私はそれに何の問題も見いだせません。彼は、そこで全く違う方向を見ていたと思います。

Q1. ジョーク的な質問:
・リチャードの回答: 生活を楽しむ方法は様々で、良い気分になる手段は問題ない。トレードオフがある可能性も。
Q2. 真剣な質問(オルダス・ハクスリーの問題):
・リチャードの回答: 何かが素晴らしいと感じるものでも、トレードオフが存在する可能性。問題は適度な使用と過度な使用のバランス。
チャールズ:では、聴衆の方、質問がありますか? マイクが届くのをお待ちいただければと思います。録音されていることを念頭に置いておいてください。手を挙げてくださる方はいますか?クララ、正面にいらっしゃる方から始めていただければと思います。マイクが届くまでお待ちいただければと。
Q. 私たちは科学と政策について話しています。政策を作成するには、あなたが言及した究極の判断基準、そして私がすべてのグラフや物事に照らして判断するための基準が必要です。生活満足度とウェルビーイングが入れ替わっているように見えます。実際、ある人は人生の満足感が一番下にあり、ウェルビーイングは主観的ウェルビーイングでした。他の人はどこにいてもウェルビーイングでした。それらを定義しない限り、それはあまり役立たないように感じます。私は2007年の幸福カンファレンスに参加していました。今はもっと多くのデータがあります。これが私の最初のポイントです。明確である必要があると感じています。

1. 質問のポイント:
2. リチャードの回答:
3. 注意喚起:
Q. 治安は人々の生活にとって非常に重要で、私には治安の欠如はガザ、ウクライナに関して否定的であり、逆に積極的な治安は中立的であるように思えます。ただ単に安全な生活を送っている人々が幸福を経験できるという証拠があるのかどうか。


「子どもと思春期の幸福感について、どう考えていますか? 幸福感の低い子どもは幸福感の低い大人になるのでしょうか? これについてもっと詳しく調査すべきでしょうか?」
ジャン:私たちはそれをより詳しく調べて投資する必要があります。そして、あなたはこれをあなたの本の中で扱っていますが、2つの回答があるとしたら最初の回答は……これは本来リチャードさんが答えるべきことですが、数年前にプリンストン大学出版局から発売された「Well-Being Over the Life Course(人生の経過におけるウェルビーイング)」という素晴らしい本があります。これをチェックしてみてください。
リチャード:人生の経過における研究には、「しかし」があるでしょうか? つまり、その本で最も重要なたった一つの発見は、子どもを16歳で取り上げ、彼らが幸福な大人になるかどうかを予測したい場合、博士課程まで含めても彼らの単一のテストスコアは、感情の健康のアンケートテストのパフォーマンスよりも幸福な大人になるかどうかを予測するのに悪い予測因子であるということです。
Q. 初めに示したスライドで、スカンディナビアと中央アフリカ共和国の間の違いが示されました。低所得国、特にグローバル・サウスの最も貧しい国々でウェルビーイングに関する議論はどれだけ進んでいるのでしょうか?
Q. これはわずかに技術的な質問ですが、これらの比較を行う際の最下位5カ国からのデータの信頼性はどれほどですか?なぜなら、それを集めるのは非常に難しいはずだからです。

1. 個人の価値観と感覚を計測する指標の重要性への理解
2. リストラの影響と生活の質の低下のデータに対する興味
3. 社会的・感情的知性の重要性とその成功との関連
4. 良い職場の心地よさと、才能の長期的な保持
5. 低い出発点を持つ人を上へ引き上げることの重要性
6. 他者の幸福向上と費やすエネルギーに関する考察
7. 貧富に関わらずメンタルヘルスの重要性についての認識
8. 他人との比較が生む問題と、弊害についての洞察
☑︎ The content of this discussion is based on the video released by the Oxford Martin School. It does not guarantee accuracy or completeness. There is a possibility of misunderstandings or errors in transcription. Please be aware of this in advance.
1. The Flow of the Dialogue(Charles Godfray)
Hello everyone, it’s great to see so many people here. My name is Charles Godfrey, and I’m the director of the Oxford Martin School. It’s with great pleasure that I’m welcoming Lord Richard Layard and Jan Emanuel Den to talk about well-being science and policy. I’ll briefly introduce our two speakers, and then they’ll discuss their new book, which I thoroughly recommend as an extremely accessible summary of the science of well-being. Afterward, the three of us will have a conversation, ensuring there’s plenty of time for questions, and we’ll finish on time at half-past 1.
Lord Richard Layard is a labor economist based at the London School of Economics, where he’s the program director of the Center for Economic Performance, co-founded in 1990. Richard has been influential in public policy for many decades, especially during the Blair-Brown Administration. As a member of the British Academy, he’s received numerous awards, including becoming a life peer in 1990.
Jan Emanuel is from the home side, working at the Said Business School. He grew up in Belgium, attended Harvard University and the LSSE. Together with Richard, he’s been involved in initiatives like the World Happiness Report and co-founded the World Well-Being Movement. He’s actively engaged in policy, including with the Belgium government. With no more ado, Richard, could I ask you to come up? Thank you.
2. Prof Richard Layard

Well, thank you all so much for coming. It’s excellent for our well-being to have you here, and it’s sold out. Some of our colleagues weren’t able to get in, which is a good thing.

I want to start with the first page of our book, and it’s one of 18 illustrations by Mr. Shrigley, a leading designer. It strikes the right note, emphasizing the need for a new world where people experience higher well-being. We’ll only achieve that if we accept it as the objective.

The first point I want to make this morning is we have to agree on the objective; otherwise, we won’t get there. We must agree that the well-being of the people is the overarching objective. Thomas Jefferson put it well: “The care of human life and happiness is the only legitimate object of good government.” Governments exist to improve the well-being of the people and the quality of their lives. Another crucial point is that we want happiness to be fairly distributed. Modern utilitarians aim to combine well-being as the overarching objective with an interest in distribution, ensuring as few people as possible with lower well-being experience misery.
The theory we’re putting forward is that governments must create conditions that enable people to be happier, especially those who would otherwise be in misery. Now, let’s move on to some empirics: who are the people in misery, and how do we identify the causes of the huge spread of well-being in the world? This brings us to the second point: measurement. We can measure well-being, and this has been the revolution of the last 40 years, simply by asking them.

Uh, so this is a question that most of us favor overall: How satisfied are you with your life nowadays, with 0 meaning not at all and 10 meaning very? This is the question used in the official Office of the National Statistics survey annually, and it’s the national statistic of Britain. It’s now recommended by the OECD to all its member countries. It has many merits; it’s simple, easy to understand, much better than the common practice in some places where they have lots of questions and then create an index by applying some weights. This is also more democratic than having researchers applying weights; the person themselves applies the weights to what matters to them and how they feel about it.
We know that this question has strong information content; it’s a very good predictor of how long you will live, just about as good as a medical diagnosis. It’s a good predictor of whether you’ll leave your job or your partner. Yan will be explaining more about whether you will vote for the incumbent government, which is, of course, why policymakers should take it especially seriously.

So let’s look at some basic facts which this question reveals about The Human Condition, which I know the Martin School is focused on. This is the distribution of well-being in the world. You can see it’s extraordinarily unequal, with a fifth at three or below and the sixth at eight or above. Part of that spread, of course, comes from the variation between countries, and part of it comes from the variation within countries. Let me take them in that order.

The top countries tend to be Nordic; they tend to be peaceful, egalitarian, and the bottom ones tend to be those torn by civil conflict or repression. But, of course, other factors come in, which explain the differences across countries, including income but also health, freedom, social support, altruism, trust—all variables where the Nordic countries do well. In fact, in the famous wallet-dropping experiment, 80% of the wallets dropped in Nordic countries were returned, compared with half in our country and the US, and under 20% in China.
Even though there are these big differences between countries, actually, 80% of the variation in happiness in the world is within countries, including our own. So let’s move on to what explains the spread within countries because if we want to know how to reduce misery, we’ve got to know what’s causing the spread because that’s the same factors as causing the lower tail. Here’s the answer to that—many, many causes. And, of course, income is a very poor proxy, as you will see from the next slide.

This slide I’m putting up is a result of estimating an equation across a survey where you’re having to explain the life satisfaction of each individual by as many factors as you can find that explain it. In this graph, we’re going to show the impact of each variable in terms of its explanatory power to explain life satisfaction and the variation of it holding each other factor constant. You’ll see that the biggest factor is mental health, defined as the answer to the question:

Have you ever been diagnosed for an anxiety disorder or depression? Physical health, perhaps not so well measured, is also important. Family life is very important, and employment, of course, and the quality of work, including relationships. And then income.
But this is what you get from running a regression of life satisfaction on these variables. But another way of getting the importance of these variables is, of course, just to ask people what they worry about in their daily life. Remarkably, the answers are almost exactly the same ranking as you see there. This is such a different picture from what most politicians and most journalists think are the sources or the things that matter to people in their lives. It’s really important that we get a new perspective based on this paradigm.
The position of income here helps to explain the fact that in many countries, growth has not been accompanied by rising happiness.

The USA is the most obvious one for which we have the longest time series, pretty much flat, actually declining a bit toward the end. So there’s no time obviously here to discuss the huge volume of research, which establishes proper causal estimates of the effect of different factors on well-being. All spelled out in our book, and we think that this body of knowledge is now strong enough for the fourth and final proposition. Oh, sorry, I jumped.

The proposition is that policymakers should judge policies by how much they increase well-being per pound being spent. This is what the OECD and the EU have been asking their member countries to do, and of course, it’s wonderful that KSTA has made this remark.

With every pound spent on your behalf, we’d expect the treasury to weigh not just its effect on national income but also its effect on well-being. Stimulated by that, about half a dozen of us at LLC are busy trying to show how that can be done. And to those of you who are economists, let me just stress, we’re not throwing away traditional cost-benefit analysis. Willingness to pay can still be used where there’s enough evidence from revealed preference. But there are many other effects of policy that can’t be picked up through revealed preference, and these have to be evaluated using self-reported well-being. And then you can combine the two because you know what is the marginal utility of income. So using this method, we’re able to cover huge areas of life where traditional cost-benefit analysis wasn’t possible. And these analyses, of course, will then imply major new priorities. I mentioned mental health, obviously, child well-being, youth apprenticeship. I’m very keen on family conflict, elderly care. These things are as important as the more obvious things for increasing income. So it’s really time that we had a broad criterion of well-being to evaluate the whole of public spending. It would be wonderful if the Martin School would take an initiative in doing this because I think it’s perfectly placed to provide a leader, a lead in this way of analyzing public policy. Yan will be explaining to you why that’s also in the interest of the politicians. So I have no doubt that in the years to come, well-being will become the objective of government, at least in this country. And since it’s more than 200 years since we Jefferson and Benam advocated this, it’s surely time. Thank you. [👏]
3. Prof Jan-Emmanuel De Neve

Thank you, Richard. Thank you, Charles. Thank you, everyone, for the great privilege and the opportunity to present our work and our book to you. I’ll build on Richard and highlight a few of the insights that we develop in the book. I’ll start with building on the important point that Richard just made. Besides arguably a moral imperative to put well-being much closer to the heart of policymaking, we also now have evidence that it’s not just the right thing to do but probably also the politically astute thing to do.
Advances here are made by our former student, now dear colleague George Ward, who in a very important paper in our view in the American Journal of Political Science four years ago published this work where he trailed through all of the European elections and looked at variation in incumbent vote shares and linked that to variation in well-being, that measure that Richard has introduced to you,

as well as compared this to the traditional classic economic voting time variables, which are obviously GDP growth rates, employment or unemployment, and inflation.
What George found, and why I think this is such an important piece of work, is that well-being, subjective well-being, well-being as people rate the quality of their lives themselves, is a better predictor of incumbent vote share than any of the other more economic items are. The more you let that sink in, and I do advise you to read that paper, you’ll see it’s actually quite intuitive because voting is while you’re taking in the objective world around you, you do so through a subjective lens. And for that reason, I think our subjective well-being measures actually come quite close to that truth as people experience it.
Besides being the politically astute thing to do, it’s also probably the politically necessary thing to do in certain situations. What you’re seeing here is an analysis we did for the book,

which is the March 15th, 2019, Hong Kong protests were high on the political agenda or the media agenda. So we looked at GDP as a predictor of potential unrest and then compared that with how that might be different when you look at well-being as a predictor of social unrest in these cases. And what you’ll see is Hong Kong, if you had just looked at the economic data in this case, GDP per capita, what an extraordinarily good news story this was. In the space of just shy of a decade, they’ve increased GDP per capita by about 50%. If,

however, you look at how people actually feel in Hong Kong and, in particular, in this case, the youth and the younger generation, you would have seen that there was a drop, a significant drop in how people rated the quality of life as they experience it. This also mirrors our analysis of this kind that looked at the run-up to the Arab Spring, where we’ve got the inspiration for this analysis. But it shows you that there’s something very powerful that subjective well-being, well-being matters, bring to the table that traditional GDP indicators do not.
Alright, let me turn to the world of work, which has been mostly my focus of research. And Richard already highlighted the fact that workplaces are an important driver of global general well-being. But just how important is it really? And here too, well-being science has made a lot of advances and I think can really add to labor economics and thinking more broadly about the importance of work. We all know work is important, and it’s because of both the paycheck, the income it provides, but beyond that, the non-pecuniary elements to do with social status, identity, social networks, routine throughout the day, and so much more.
What we’re showing here is what it does to one’s well-being if all of this is taken away. So what you’re seeing here is a time cohort study where you see people before being made redundant and following being made redundant. Obviously, the word “making redundant” should probably be refrained, and it’s not the word that you shouldn’t be using in these instances.
But it is obviously describing what happens. What you’re seeing here is a drop, if you put gender together, of about one point on a scale from 0 to 10 when people are being made redundant. That is a lot, especially because typically people in average populations are six, six and a half, seven in the case of the UK. So losing a whole point, in the case of males even more, you’ll find that there’s close to a 20% drop in well-being and quality of life as you experience it. That is huge and it’s obviously one of the key insights and most probably one of the most robust insights that have come out of well-being science and have really added to labor economics, I think.
There is a small difference between men and women, but I think the main instinct coming through following the importance of work for well-being is also the fact that people don’t adapt to unemployment. So typically in well-being science, we found that whenever a shock to life happens, whether positive or negative, people tend to adapt to it relatively quickly, even things that you wouldn’t expect people to adapt to. But not so for losing their job, and again, I think mostly for the non-pecuniary reasons just highlighted in labor economics. This now has a term that has been coined for this, which is the scarring effect of unemployment. This type of science, these types of results, I think put even more pressure on policymakers, especially on the economics front, to try and do as well as they can to maintain people in work and do a good job for them, both the quantity and quality of jobs.
Alright, that is work for the importance of work for well-being, but can we turn this around?

How important is how we feel at work for the quality of our work, our individual performance if you will, and possibly even organizational performance? That’s what we’ve spent quite a bit of time working on in recent years, and I’m very pleased to share with you a paper that was published last year in Management Science that took us about seven, eight years to produce, and I think it produces the first causal field evidence for the link between how we feel as individuals and how that translates into our performance, literally in this case from one week to another.
We studied BT call center employees one week to another, pulsing how they felt from one week to another every Thursday at 4 p.m., to be more precise, and then linked that to incredibly granular performance data—weekly sales, customer satisfaction, number of seconds on a call, how many calls, you name it. What you’re seeing here is the main, we can talk about this for an hour, but what you’re seeing here is the headline result, which is essentially if you feel much better than you did the previous week, we find up to about 12-133% increases in weekly sales. It’s very tangible.
Now, interestingly, and this is just a side note, but it also depends on the kinds of tasks you’re doing, the importance of how you feel. So what this is is just an average effect. When people were asked to deal with, say, disgruntled customers, retaining their business, the importance of how they felt from one week to another was way more important than this. On the other hand, admittedly, when it was just order taking, where no social and emotional intelligence was required, there was little or no effect of how you felt. So it goes to show, for anybody working in a workplace well-being and is involved with workplaces more generally, the degree to which you’re applying social emotional intelligence is very much and the success of that is very much driven by how you feel it yourself in the first place. And we picked this up in a way that’s never been shown before.
Now, this is at the individual level, and this starts hinting at the fact that if there’s such strong powerful links at the individual level between how we feel and the quality of our work, does that feed into larger organizations? This is one channel by way this might go. There’s other channels. A good workplace where people feel good is probably going to be attracting more talent because people have word of mouth and other places to find out whether it’s a good workplace. A good workplace where people feel good is probably going to retain their talent for longer as well. And so all these channels and pathways, can we then show whether there’s also a link at the organizational level? And I’m very pleased to say in the last two years, we’ve done a lot of work on that.

What you’re seeing here is the results of the world’s largest study on workplace well-being, where in this case, we’ve got more than 1,600 US-listed firms where we have both solid well-being data crowdsourced.
Um, thanks to platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed linked to the quarterly data that these companies need to provide in a systematic, comparable way. What you’re seeing here is bins with the top 10%, the bottom 10%, and everything in between. What you’re seeing is the average company well-being coming back to us from the employees themselves through our crowdsource measures is very strongly associated with the key financial performance metrics, whether it’s gross profitability, return on assets, or firm value. This is obviously just contemporaneous, these are associations or correlations, but there’s definitely something very powerful between how we feel at work as an organization and how that translates into organizational performance.
Can we go a step further and see whether there’s sort of predictive power? One way of doing that is to look at stock markets. What you’re seeing here is an analysis that got a lot of attention in the media and is something very basic; it’s called a portfolio analysis. Anybody investing in stocks, you’ll be familiar with this. Think of it as follows: say you’ve got $1,000 to invest. Most of you might do this in an index fund, such as the S&P 500. What you would have been given back if your $1,000 over the last few years since we have the data would have been something somewhat positive, despite a lot of volatility.
So what you’re seeing here is 2021, 2022, in the start of 2023 with the traditional benchmark indices going up, going down, and then volatility in 2023 so far. What we’ve done is we’ve looked at the extraordinary data we’ve got on how people feel in these listed companies, put them in an index—take the top 100, you can take the top 200 or top 50, whatever you want—and then see whether that outperforms on the stock market.

What you’re seeing here now is something really rather extraordinary. It shows that the stock market doesn’t fully value the intangibles of how people feel, and part of it is because they don’t necessarily have access to the data on this. But even if they did, they seem to underestimate the importance of how workers feel and how that, over time, feeds into the bottom line.
Just a reminder, what we’ve done here is the 2020 data on workplace well-being, put that in an index, and let that run starting January 1st, 2021, and then do the same thing again at the start of 2022 and the same again at the start of 2023. A portfolio based just on quality workplaces would have outperformed all the major indices.

Now, if this doesn’t convince you or little interest, hopefully, the stuff that Richard shared with you is of interest, and if failing that, we’d suggest that you still have a look at the book because there are extraordinary illustrations by David Shrigley in there that are really peak one’s thinking.

So, I’ll leave it at that, put the main screen back on, and thank you very much for your time. [👏]
4. Q & A

Charles Godfray:So, um, I’m going to start with a question.
Q. So, um, I’m going to start with a question. There will be an election this year; we’re non-party political at the Martin School, so we don’t know if it’s going to be Starmer or Sunak or Farage. But if you got the phone call a few days after the election, we have no money, what can we do that would make a difference to people’s lives that we could do relatively fast?
Lord Layard:Well, I’ve got actually three things. First, I want this policy oriented to well-being, and I want to change altogether what goes on in Whitehall so that’s how people think about policy priorities for any government.
My next thing, as you say, there’s no money. I’ve got some policies which don’t actually save money, more save more money than they cost. I was involved in developing what’s now called NHS talking therapies for anxiety disorders and depression, and we’ve been able to show that that saves more money in terms of getting people off disability benefits into work, paying taxes, also saving NHS money on physical health care, far in excess of the original cost.
I want now a parallel service for addiction and personality disorders, which are causing havoc in our society and in our families. More difficult to treat, but on the other hand, the savings will be even greater. So that’s my second thing.
My third thing is I think it’s an absolute disgrace in this country how we treat people after they leave school if they don’t go to university. We have no proper system of vocational training and apprenticeship, which is as easy to access as the university is if you go down the academic route. It’s a disgrace. I want guaranteed access to apprenticeship.
De Neve:Great. I’ll add something in the sense that the science does show that mental health workplaces, all the policy items that Richard has just highlighted are incredibly important. I think there’s a third one, and I’ll actually paraphrase something that Richard is known for: the social infrastructure. So you’ve got the actual infrastructure. Politicians are always very keen to invest in roads, HS2, trains, what have you, and that needs to be done, but not at the expense of or by overlooking social infrastructure.
Social capital, social trust, things that we’ve lost in many cases turn out to be a lot more important than people think at different levels of life. For example, in our World Happiness Report, when you look at what explains variation between countries, then a lot of things play a role, including income, of course, but the one that stands out as the strongest tends to be social support, social capital, volunteering opportunities, trust in each other, trust in institutions. So I think there’s a lot more work there to be done, and it tends to be overlooked because it doesn’t necessarily feed into GDP.

Charles Godfray:So let me ask you a couple of questions about people who have sort of challenged the well-being approach.
Q. You mentioned that you described yourself as a new utilitarian, and utilitarianism has had a mixed ride over the last century. There are many schools of thought associated with rights, associated with capabilities and things who feel who I suspect would be very happy with many of your microanalyses but would be worried about an overarching utilitarian framework worrying that it will affect the rights of disadvantages. I know you address some of this in the book, and I wonder if you might just elaborate a little bit more on what you mean by being a new, a modern utilitarian.
Lord Layard:Jeremy Bentham suggested that the objective should be simply the sum of happiness or the average of happiness in the population. I think most modern people with this type of approach, but I have to exclude Peter Singer, who’s a very distinguished utilitarian at Princeton, but apart from him, I think most people feel that it must be more important to enable somebody starting low to move up by one unit of happiness than to do the same for somebody starting high. So this, I think, leads to the way we would, within this framework, express the idea of social justice.
The idea of social justice is that priority is to be given to people who are starting low. But then we need, of course, this much wider concept of starting low than simply income. Maybe you want to come back to that later, but that’s my concept of utilitarianism applied in a way that’s sensitive to the distribution of well-being as well as its average.
Charles Godfray:But I guess the advantage of economic utilitarianism is you have a metric there, money, which is sort of you don’t argue with.
Q. But taking this more sophisticated approach, how do you actually define the function that allows you to weigh the interests of people with different backgrounds or different status?
Lord Layard:This, of course, is a problem because the views that people have on this differ, and it’s a normative and an ethical question. We’re talking about how can academics help policymakers to achieve what they value. So I can write down, of course, a mathematical value with a sort of parameter which values as to how egalitarian the policymaker is. But another way, obviously, more straightforward way for policymakers who are not mathematically minded is to print out what is the impact of your policy on people who are starting at different levels of well-being and look at different policies and let policymakers make their choice using their own judgment.
Charles Godfray:Thanks so much, Yan. Could I ask you a question?
Q. So there has been some criticism from the left of the approach. People from the left are often very happy about shifting from finance to thinking about well-being but then worry about some of the analyses might underestimate the role of income distribution. So some of the things that you put up there that were correlated with happiness might actually mask the underlying effect of income and distribution. And I have heard people say, well, a problem with well-being, it may mask some of the entrenched power relationships in the economy that sort of maintain the status quo.
De Neve:It’s a difficult question.
I think first and foremost, I would be surprised by that criticism coming from the left because in a way, well-being and the main result has really been diminishing marginal utility of income itself. If you look at it from an economics perspective, it really suits a center-left agenda on progressive taxes and redistribution because what we found very clearly is somebody making a million, the extra 10,000 will mean less in terms of subjective well-being than somebody making 10,000 getting an additional 10,000. That’s been pretty well established, and so it gives you a whole new angle or perspective or justification for progressive taxation that is not typically used. Um, so I think that helps that part of the agenda.
Now, there’s also the well-being agenda can also help on the conservative side, and so which is why it’s so exciting because it’s something in an agenda that left and right, Center can find themselves in. Yes, of course, GDP or income could sit behind some of the elements. For example, if education has a positive impact on well-being, it may well be because of the socioeconomic status and the power and wealth that sits behind some of that. But in the science when you dig into the book, you’ll see we do try and look for causal inference, which would take out these omitted variables that might be hiding in the shadows.
So income matters, I don’t think anybody should be naive about that, but there are diminishing marginal utility. And for me, as somebody with in economics, it always blows my mind that one of the first things you learn is diminishing marginal utility of hamburgers, of Coca-Cola, of anything you consume, but it’s very rarely applied in economics 101 to income itself. And we find that so clearly, and so I think that is probably a big insight coming through for the left.
Charles Godfray:Thank you, Richard. I’m a biologist, so clearly Aristotle is a hero man, and I felt at the beginning of the book that you were a bit down on Aristotle and his ideas of eudemonia and The Virtuous life. But then Amar sort of came back a bit later on when you talked about the importance of not just a sum of individual well-being but societal well-being as well.
Q. And is there a role for thinking about what makes a virtuous life in not only increasing your own happiness but the happiness of society more broadly?
Lord Layard:What you just said at the end, of course, is true, but the question is what is the objective. The great thing about Aristotle, of course, was that he had this idea that there must be if you were to have a certain coherent way of thinking about what you’re trying to do, you can only have one objective which you use to compare the value of different courses of action.
So I mean, he, the Telos, this is a great idea in Aristotle. And the problem with Aristotle is that he then defined as the objective something which was a mixture of good experience and virtue. Whereas this doesn’t quite resolve the issue. We would think of virtue as a means to the end of a society in which people are enjoying their lives. But obviously, a society in which people enjoying their lives won’t exist if people are each only concerned with promoting their own well-being.
So a means to a society in which people are enjoying their lives is that people devote a lot of their energy to improving the well-being of other people. So virtue is a means to the end.
De Neve:It also, of course, is to some extent has rewarding effects on the person, the virtuous person, but virtue is mainly to be advocated because it produces a good overall outcome for everybody.
And if I may comment on that, I think that the key here is what Richard just said at the end: virtue is its own reward, to some extent, and there’s now wonderful proof of this, work done with NHS volunteers showing that obviously it helps people they’re helping, but it also helps them to some extent. So if we do put well-being as the ultimate criterion to inform policy, and that sort of encapsulates virtues behaviors as well.
So if I were to clone myself right now and I do something nice for another person, and my other clone, my clone, does something bad for another individual, the version of me that has done something good pro-socially should feel better, should have higher life satisfaction. And so that, I think, is something that will help provide weight behind having a measure like life satisfaction at the very top because it incorporates virtuous behaviors to some extent, maybe not fully, but to some extent.

Charles Godfray:Might I ask you a question about well-being over time? And you showed that astonishing results about how well-being now can affect voting preferences, and that if, as a politician, then that would really reinforce you need a budget give-away just before an election. So presumably, what you want is a measure of well-being that sort of takes into account the trade-offs of doing that to the future.
And then in the book, you talk about climate change as well, which is the sort of mother of all trade-offs in the future. And you argue that with well-being, then you take a similar approach to economics, but your discounting value is lower, so you value the future more.
I guess I have two questions. So if you look at the economic literature,
Q. it’s slightly scary how much the policy implications depend on assumptions about discount rates, sort of Nordhaus versus Stern, for example. So how do you, the problem is the future is so big that sort of basis points change in the discount rates make a huge difference. How do you get around some of those problems?
Lord Layard:The basic concept of the discount rate, which is used by economists, say by the treasury, is there’s an element of what you call pure time preference, connected with uncertainty. They have one and a half percent. And then there’s the assumption that as people become richer with economic growth, their marginal utility of income will be lower, so it’s not so important to give them the higher income. The treasury has it at 2%. So that gives you 3 and a half percent, which I think means that in the year 2100, a pound then is worth to us today six pence. So you can forget the end of the century. And this is what The Economist who were against the climate change movement relied on. What was hopeless about it, in a sense, was thinking about the whole thing in terms of income because income is not the only thing that matters to people.
If their whole society is turned upside down and they’re on the move and they’re all kinds of other people being disrupted by their arrival, etc., etc. If you think in terms of well-being, then you are left only with the one and a half percent, which gives you a much more serious approach to future generations.
I mean, when we talk about whose well-being matters, I think we would like to say that the well-being of future generations matters as much as our own. But then you get into a logical problem because everything is valued at infinity. So you’ve got to have an element of discounting, but it shouldn’t certainly be too high.
De Neve:IBut it does make a big difference, exactly. Richard put it beautifully that if you take well-being seriously and put it at the heart of policymaking, it also helps you deal with climate change and environmental challenges because, as Richard said, you don’t want to discount the well-being of future generations by nowhere near as much as the economic approaches would. Richard is quite right. In traditional economic approaches, currently baked into the UK government’s cost-benefit analysis is 3 and a half to 4%. So, that means, in what is it, 75 years from now, we don’t look very much beyond 2100 in that case, whereas we would, of course, when we think about future generations and their well-being.
Charles Godfray:I’m about to go to the audience, but I have one last question, which is partly facetious but partly serious.
Q1. So, I plan this evening to open a nice bottle of red wine, and I suspect my well-being will sort of incrementally go up. Is that a virtuous thing to do?
Q2. And the serious question is the criticism you bring up in the book, the famous Aldous Huxley “Brave New World,” where if we were to come up with a drug that increased our subjective well-being, and it tends to go against an Aristotelian virtuous life, one does it by cheating. How do you confront the Aldous Huxley “Soma” question?
Lord Layard:I think the first thing that I would say is, what would happen actually if somebody invented a drug that made you feel better than you otherwise would, with no side effects? I mean, why wouldn’t we all take it? I mean, we organize our lives in all kinds of ways to make our lives enjoyable—what we eat, different foods. What’s wrong with including a pill? I just don’t see anything wrong in that at all. I think he was absolutely barking up the wrong tree there.
De Neve:I guess the key is if there are no tradeoffs. So, for something that feels wonderful, there may still be tradeoffs. If you didn’t go to work at all, and I think your bottle of red wine is a perfect example. In moderation, it might help, but in too much, it will have negative spillover effects on the next day.
Charles Godfray:I have some experimental data to support…
Thank you for your question. Let me go to the audience. Just remind everyone we are being recorded, so just beware that will happen. Would someone like to put up their hands? If you could, in the front here, Clara, and if you can just wait for the microphone to come, my hearing is not that great. I’ll just check. Yeah, it’s fine.
──I’m a great fan of everything you’re doing. I work in the field of emotional intelligence, but I’ve got two points which I’d like to hear your comments on.
Q. We’re talking about science and policy. In order to create policy, you need to have a criterion to judge against. You mentioned the ultimate criterion, and in all the graphs and things I’ve seen, happiness, life satisfaction, and well-being seem to have been interchanged. In fact, one had life satisfaction across the bottom and happiness, that was a US one along the bottom. Others had well-being everywhere, and I feel that it’s not particularly helpful unless you’re going to define each one because they seem to be interchangeable. Now, with the new data that exists, I was part of the 2007, forgive me, we have lots of questions, you happiness conference, and we’ve got much more data now. So that’s my first thing, that we need to be clear about.
Lord Layard:I’m going to stop you there. The book is mainly about life satisfaction, which is the concept used in the World Happiness Report and the most used and most researched definition. That, as you know, is what people call evaluative well-being, sort of involves an element of judgment about how you feel about your life. What language is difficult here, but how you feel about your life is not quite the same as how you feel at the moment. That’s what’s called hedonic, as you know. To measure how people feel over the integral of time is obviously a massive research task, for a start.
There are a lot of problems, I think, in having that as your ultimate maxim. For example, do you include dreams? All kinds of issues to do with consciousness and so on. I think we’re at the early stages in this subject. It’s been going in this form for at most 40 years, and I think, for the moment, particularly in the realm of policy, policymakers are very used now to asking people how satisfied are you with your police service or your transport system. Why not just jack it up to how satisfied are you with your whole life?
Charles Godfray:Thank you. I know there’s lots of expertise in the room, but please could you keep your questions short so we hear from the speakers? Then I’ll go to one from online. I’ll keep it short and sharp.
──I’m ex-military. I advise in cyber intelligence, and I’m also a mentor for a military charity. In my career, I have seen horrors, and certainly in cybersecurity, there are some pretty awful things happening to people. In such a short period, you’ve really got me thinking because security is so important to people’s lives.
Q. But to me, and I’m probably wrong, it appears that a lack of security is negative (look at Gaza, Ukraine), but positive security is neutral. And I just wonder if there is evidence that well-being can be experienced by people who simply are living secure lives.

De Neve:That is a tough question. Thank you for your service and for your question. Security is fundamental to well-being. There is a substantial body of research that indicates a strong connection between a sense of security and well-being. People who feel secure in their homes, communities, and broader environments tend to report higher levels of life satisfaction and well-being. This extends beyond physical security to include economic and social security as well. When individuals feel secure in various aspects of their lives, it positively influences their overall well-being. However, the relationship is complex, and different individuals may weigh the importance of security differently based on their experiences and perspectives.
Um, I think you’re quite right. Sometimes we get the criticism saying the World Happiness Report that some country doesn’t move much until there’s a war, of course, and then boom, way down. So you’ll see in the World Happiness Report that we’re preparing now, we actually dig into the Israel-Gaza-Ukraine data a bit more, as we already did Ukraine last year as well. So you see huge drops in the case of insecurity, and it certainly really hits home. Afghanistan, actually, before that, what happened two years ago was bad; now it’s at the very bottom. The average reported life satisfaction of Afghanistan is not even two out of 10. That’s the average, which means that if one person says five, that means you need another 10 to put it in zero. So insecurity is hugely damaging, but I think you’re quite right. Once there’s sort of a secure base, then people, Rich is going to hate me for saying this, but Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs, then they start thinking possibly about other things. But there are questions about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
I’m going to ask a question. Can I just, I mean, you mentioned Maslow, your question about security is a good one because think of all the dimensions of security. There’s food security, there’s security from violence, there’s security from imprisonment, the security in your family relationship, is your wife going to betray you, the security for your, are your children doing all right? So I think it’s, there’s even insecurity.
Lord Layard:Do you feel your place in the universe is okay? So I just want to say that there is no evidence, nor was any produced by Maslow, in favor of the Maslow hierarchy. All the good research done by Ed Diner, who’s the founder of this subject, showed that these effects are additive, but of course, all dimensions of security matter.
Charles Godfray:Thank you for that question. Stephanie Kill online asks,
“What are your thoughts regarding child and adolescent well-being? Do children with low well-being become adults with low well-being? Should we be looking at that more closely and investing?”
And you do deal with this in your book, but perhaps you might, do you, Richard, if I?
De Neve:There’s two, um, two answers. The first one is, and this is really, should be Richard answering, is he’s got an amazing [book] came out with Princeton University Press a few years ago called “Well-Being over the Life Course,” which, for whomever the person is online, check it out because that’s precisely it. They’re digging into the best data sets that have looked at kids and their mothers even before birth and those relationships and the importance of well-being at those very, very early stages and how predictive and how important that is as you go through life.
Um, so it’s a brilliant piece of work. Now, I do want to—I get excited about this question because we’re working on it right now with the team at the Well-Being Research Center for the next World Happiness Report we are publishing. And I, um, the world, the biggest piece of research trying to tie in all the data sets worldwide around child and adolescent well-being. Because, truth be told, our World Happiness Report that people tend to refer to is based off the Gallup World Poll, these rankings, which is technically 18 plus. And so, for this year’s World Happiness Report, which will come out on March 20th, the aim is precisely to start slicing and dicing this a bit more between generations and dragging the pool of data, which is 15-year-olds and data from elsewhere, children’s worlds with 11, 12-year-olds, data from not the entire world but lots of places, including some of the global South.
What we’re seeing there, um, I can’t yet reveal because it’s embargoed, but it’s something that aligns with intuition, which is not pretty, as we all know, but some things are also semi-surprising. And so, there needs to be a lot more focus on child and adolescent well-being, not just because there’s little data—we need more focus, but also because the data isn’t looking pretty, especially in the Western world. It’s coming down, and it’s really falling off a cliff.
Thank you. I’m going to go to the back now for—
Lord Layard:Is there a butt in that study of the life course? I mean, the most important single finding in that book, um, is that if you take a child at 16 and you want to predict whether they will be a happy adult, their exam scores, even right up to their Ph.D., are a worse predictor of whether they’ll be a happy adult than just performance on a single test score, um, questionnaire test of emotional health. So, yeah, emotional health is number one for a satisfying life. I think I can spot Lucy if only was someone here from the Department of Education.
──Thank you. That was really fascinating. I was curious, um,
Q. when you put out an early slide showed differences between Scandinavia and the Central African Republic, and I was just wondering, what is the discourse? How far has the discourse on well-being gone in the kind of lowest-income countries in the global South?
Charles Godfray:Did you get that, Richard? No? Um, so Lucy asked how much of these concepts are talked about in low-income countries, the poorest countries in the world. It’s a very good question. I’m not sure I can answer it correctly.
Lord Layard:Um, I can. The countries which I’m aware of where it’s talked about a lot are China, um, India—disappointingly, as it seems to be, we’ve hardly located anybody talking about it. Although in some sense, you would think it was a fundamental Hindu concept, but it hasn’t generated a sort of modern-type debate. But, um, I mean, we have studied it, of course, in the Gallup World Poll. It’s every country, and what’s remarkable is that the well-being equation is very similar in developing countries.
The effect of log income on happiness is pretty much the same in rich and poor countries. There are so many other factors as well as income, which are important, and I think, for example, the awful neglect of mental health in developing countries is absolutely shocking. And development specialists from the West, I think, have done very little to point out that mental health is an incredibly important thing, whether however rich or however poor you are.
Charles Godfray:A related question to that, Nin Alwin on the line, and this is slightly more technical one:
Q. How good is the data from the bottom five countries when you were making those comparisons? Because it must be very hard to collect.
De Neve:We owe a lot to Gallup here, and they go out of their way to try and have a comparable approach to collecting a representative sample of countries, and they even go into places of conflict, from Sudan, Central African Republic, Ukraine. And so we do trust them, and we see the internal and the external validity of these numbers seem reliable.
Now, there are obviously questions about when you start comparing countries—language differences, psychosocial or cultural differences, what is the specific item, how does it translate, how is it interpreted—so there are differences. But I think, in a way, the big differences you see between, say, Central African Republic, as was raised, and the Scandinavian countries, that in and of itself gives you—I mean, people, when you see these drops in Afghanistan or in these war-torn countries, that speaks for the data from a very good, instinctive level, I think.
Charles Godfray:Um, when you see these drops, thank you. We have time for one more question, I’m afraid, Clara. I’ll let you choose.
──Thank you, and thank you for the walk from the station. Uh, Alex Murdoch here. I’m a retired professor, particularly around Scandinavia where I’ve lived. One of the things that I note with Scandinavia is a general sense of equality.
Q. People do not put a high value on possessions and cars as much as in other countries, and I just wondered whether that’s a factor in all the countries in your scale being at the top. There’s something in Scandinavia—you may have heard of Janteloven, which is saying you’re no better than anyone else; possessions are not regarded as particularly impressive. What would you feel about that in terms of Scandinavian countries?
Lord Layard:Fundamental problems of the human psyche, um, is the tendency to compare yourself with other people. So, especially in the United States, and this has been elevated almost into a norm, that you ought to compare yourself with other people, your job in life is to do better than other people.
Now, you can see straight away that that’s a zero-sum game. However hard you try, for every winner, there’s a loser. You can’t have a happier society if your aim is to do better than other people. So, if you have a society where you have somewhat more, in Scandinavia, than in the rest of the advanced world, where you’re not meant to be trying to show how different you are from other people, you’re meant to try and exploit the things you have in common with other people, and that’s going to be a happier society.
Charles Godfray:Right, we have to come to an end here. I’m not going to treat it as a question, but as a comment. But I think it’s very interesting.
Michelle Wilson online, given the observed effect of redundancy in your data, are there any parallels, and I would add lessons, for fixed-term contracts and precarity in higher education?
I think that’s a message for the university. I suspect we could have gone on until it would be time to open a bottle of red wine later on. It’s always a mark of an excellent seminar when there are more questions.
Just before thanking the speakers, I mentioned two talks that we have coming up later in February. And do have a look on our website. One, on a not completely dissimilar topic, is from the Labour politician Liam Byrne, who has a book out on the ills of inequality, and he’ll be talking about that. And then, I think it’s the same week, we have Patrick Vallance, who you’ll all know from his high exposure during the pandemic, and talking about not actually COVID, but talking about broader issues of science and government.

Many thanks for coming. It’s been a great audience. But will you join me in giving a large round of applause to Richard and Yan? [👏]
I was deeply impressed by the involvement of scientists in policymaking and the profound philosophy behind it. It’s unfortunate that I had been indifferent to science until now, but I am now excited about learning. I was inspired by the researchers’ curiosity, the importance of willpower, and the power it holds. I also marveled at the effectiveness of combining science and illustration as a means of communication.
(Personal) Points of Reflection:
1. Understanding the importance of metrics to measure individual values and perceptions.
2. Interest in the data on the impact of layoffs and the decline in quality of life.
3. The importance of social and emotional intelligence and its connection to success.
4. The pleasantness of a good workplace and the long-term retention of talent.
5. The importance of lifting individuals with a low starting point.
6. Reflection on dedicating energy to improving the happiness of others.
7. Awareness of the importance of mental health regardless of wealth.
8. Insight into the problems and drawbacks generated by comparisons with others.
The latter part was challenging, but I was particularly impressed by the discussion based on Maslow’s hierarchy. The discussion about the various dimensions of safety deepened my understanding of how my well-being could be compromised.
Also, the relationship among Professors Richard, Charles, and Jan felt very harmonious, and their laughter and consideration contributed to the well-being of the atmosphere. Through Charles’s jokes, I strongly internalized the idea that there are trade-offs in everything.
Understanding that the science of well-being encompasses diverse disciplines such as mathematics, philosophy, psychology, behavioral science, political science, etc., I gained a renewed sense of respect for researchers. I sincerely appreciate what you have shown us through this research. 🙏
(Well-being support website administrator)